Our Wedding Vows

I have decided to share our wedding vows here so that they are forever noted in the internet world. Please enjoy reading them and I hope you can feel a snippet of what we felt when writing and then sharing these ❤️ First up are my vows ❤️🥰 Devotion, Love, Harmony I choose these things

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It is safe to be

Feeling tender Heart asking to be witnessed Fear of falling Or fear of flying? Listening but not wanting to Not wanting to but needing to Stay grounded she reminds herself Stay open she reminds herself But the cracks still appear. “You haven’t failed” she quietly whispers to her tender heart. “You are succeeding in more

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Listen to the experts! They know best!

Yes in many cases this can be completely true. However in some it can be untrue. For example – if I had listened to my GP instead of trusting my gut, my sons cholesteatoma would have grown to who knows what size and potentially worst case caused paralysis because he thought it was just an

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Love is…

Love is an action word. A doing word. A verb. This love we have could be authentically described as a magnetic soul interconnection that materialises when two people meet and look into the mirror of their own souls. It’s insightful to see all you have tried to escape reflected back at you in the eyes

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SAHM vs Working Mum?

Following on from last weeks post about SAHM not being celebrated unless it’s while being a boss babe and not being supported by a partner I’ve decided to say that being a SAHM doesn’t automatically make you a better mum. I’ve seen and known those mums who may be at home but their attention isn’t

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I believe in the village and I get to be it

Stay at home mum supported by partner/husband = ewww gross she must be so bored. Stay at home mum being a boss babe earning money – woooo baby celebrating you. What’s the difference? Why is one celebrated more than the other? Why such apparent despise for a woman who is supported in her journey by

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What Am I Going To Do With The Rest Of My Life?

Unexpected life changes. Anticipated transitions. Long, sleepless nights. What do these three things have in common? The ability to provoke one of the most haunting questions in the library of human introspectives: “What on earth am I going to do with the rest of my life?” While I can’t answer this question for anyone other

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The truth about seeking help

There was a point where my psychologist said I didn’t need to go once a week anymore so let’s do 2 weeks, then it was once a month, then every 2 months until we got to a point where she said I don’t need to see you anymore but if you have something happen then

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To be able to feel is a blessing

I love the feeling when the sun finds my face When the raindrops kiss my skin When the cool breeze tickles my hair When the mud on the ground squishes between my toes When the cool flow of the river gently rushes past my ankles The feeling of my heart expanding when I’m with the

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Writing Your Personal Vision/Mission Statement

I recently spent some time revising my personal vision/mission statement for my life. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision I have for my work is closely related to my personal vision. Having something I do as work that reflects my personal vision is powerful because it has allowed me to create

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My experience at Mai Niti Retreat Centre Peru

Day 1 As we stepped off the plane onto the tarmac and walked to the entry doors of Pucallpa Airport the heat hit us instantly. There was no security. Just a couple of guards standing there telling us to go through the doors. We walked out the doors to be bombarded with taxi offers. I

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What are your goals for the next 30 days?

Being a small business owner often means wearing a number of different hats. How many of you act as the CEO, the general manager, the accountant, the salesperson, the computer technician, the secretary, the receptionist, etc? Many entrepreneurs try to chase too many targets at once and end up overwhelmed rather than focusing on their

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Being boundaryless is really fucking sexy. Before you get triggered read on… My husband is the ONLY man I will ever be boundaryless for. He is the only one who has earned the level of trust and safety it takes to feel that with a man. Do I believe women shouldn’t have boundaries with men?

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Time Management Skills

As a facilitator, and after working with many different clients, I have come to realise that to effectively manage time, we need to first realise that time itself cannot be managed! We all get seven days a week and 168 hours within those seven days. This cannot be increased or changed in any way. However,

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